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Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from sh0rtyto :Hey guys,I have one very stupid problem with the Lapper
When I try to run it ok everything is configed i start LFSLapper.exe and for around 4 seconds it rights connecting .. connection ok and so on and then the window closes by itself
What's the problem? Help me ! Please I'm using 5,716


Use NETStartDefault.bat to start lapper
Tim NL
S2 licensed

Im testing version 5.716 and have a small request.
I use the new var $LapsDone -> Lap done for the current player but this work's alway's in race and in Qualifying.

It should be nice if this is working for race only.
At this moment when a player drives some laps the pitwindow can start in Qualifying.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from matijapkc :

Possible or impossible???
If you does not won't to make it tell me how and i'l make it my own. But if is impossible tell it is impossible so I stop writing questions.

Sry for my english.

Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from sinanju :
Can you have more than a single $orig? e.g. $origL1=, $origL2=, etc?

Yep, Any name you want
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from sinanju :
Note: If you use either or both of these meters, then you can't turn them on or of. That's my next bit of coding to try.

Positive feedback welcomed. Negative feedback should be kept to yourself!

PS I did them for version 5.714, which was the current version as of yesterday.

You can use a var for the left and top position of your buttons.
Something like ,

To move your button's you have only to change the var's $origL and $origT .
And to put on or off change the $drift_on_off to "off".

#Event triggered when lapper start#
Event OnLapperStart()
GlobalVar $drift_on_off ;
$drift_on_off = "on" ;
GlobalVar $origL ;
$origL = "131" ;
GlobalVar $origT ;
$origT = "10" ;
#Drifting options#
Event OnDriftScore()
IF( $drift_on_off == "on" )
openPrivButton( "sdmback",$origL,$origT,22,14,4,-1,32," " );
openPrivButton( "sdmtext",$origL+1,$origT+1,20,4,4,-1,16,"^3DRIFT METER" );
IF( $AngleVelocity < 0 )
openPrivButton( "sdmscores",$origL+1,$origT+5,20,4,4,-1,16,"Scores: ^2" . $DriftScore . " ^7" . $LastDriftScore );
openPrivButton( "sdmangle",$origL+1,$origT+9,20,4,4,-1,16,"Drift Angle: ^7" . $Angle_drift . "^2 =>" );
openPrivButton( "sdmscores",$origL+1,$origT+5,20,4,4,-1,16,"Scores: ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3" . $LastDriftScore );
openPrivButton( "sdmangle",$origL+1,$origT+9,20,4,4,-1,16,"Drift Angle: ^2<= ^7" . $AngleVelocity . " " );

Tim NL
S2 licensed

@Gai-luron Great features Small question.
Is the pitwindow based on the number of lap's per player or is the pitwindow based on the number of lap's of the leader of the race?

@Yisc Looks very good

Edit: strange i watched and downloaded the pitboard but number of view's is still 0
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from lfs-drift staff :i know that but i run 3 server and i hate to switch admin pw each time i go on an other one soo i work with insim its way faster

Try this or 3 times the same admin pwd.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote : Originally Posted by lfs-drift staff
thx alot guys for your help ill try this asap it may not be possible to hide

like if i write in the chat "!kick xxx" it will show up in the chat area
but if there is no command like $hide! (witch would automatically hide message starting with !)
(just an exemple cuz i dont realy know insim :P)

then there is no way to hide the message

I have maked a new script to kick user's without to show the command.
Only !kick the first time.
It's for 24 player's for this time, if you want more it's up to you (copy and past work's fine with some small changes).

A other solution is to join your server with the admin password then you can kick and ban direct from the connectionbox (N).

PS. i did't had the time to test it but i think it work's.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Tim NL :
#Drifting options#
Event OnDriftScore()
openPrivButton( "drf0",99,1,22,10,4,-1,16," " );
IF( $AngleVelocity < 0 )
openPrivButton( "drf1",100,2,20,4,4,-1,32,"Score: ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3" . $LastDriftScore );
openPrivButton( "drf2",100,6,20,4,4,-1,32,"Drift Angle: ^7" . $Angle_drift . "^2>" );
openPrivButton( "drf1",100,2,20,4,4,-1,32,"Score: ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3" . $LastDriftScore );
openPrivButton( "drf2",100,6,20,4,4,-1,32,"Drift Angle: ^2<^7" . $AngleVelocity . " " );

It's not posible to show the driftangle with refresh (in LFSLapper) only the (last) driftscore and the last driftangle.
$DriftScore -> Drift score
$AngleVelocity -> Last Angle velocity in degrees
$LastDriftScore -> Last drift score
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from []Deamon :Hi everyone,

As everyone i do have a question as well , the lapper is running nice and smooth, but, i can't use the "limited" admin rights.
I won't mention the other 3, the problem is for all 4 the Register MsgAction parts. In the game i get the message "You do not have admin rights".

However, the IdleExclude does work, as far as i know the UseUsernameForAuthentication = true is working well.

Can somebody give me a hint?

Your script looks ok.
Use $allow = "username"; or you can use a file with the usernames of the admin's $allow = "&C:\Program Files\LFS\CommonFiles\admin.txt";

Make a text file for example admin.txt

Tim NL

$UseUsernameForAuthentication = true;
Register MsgAction("!test",MA_test);
Sub MA_test()
$allow = "&C:\Program Files\LFS\CommonFiles\admin.txt";
openGlobalButton( "test",40,50,120,15,10,4,0,"" . $Nickname . " ^3is testing...",);

Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from mefast :pleasee please please help me iam keep having this problem InSim : password does not match your multiplayer admin password help help help please write the cemment to this email please


See page 1 of this thread.
  1. Make sure you have .NET Framework installed (Mono will work, too).
  2. Extract archive to arbitrary directory.
  3. Open cfg/LFSLapper.lpr with UTF8 or ansi compliant ( PSPPAD -> ) editor and modify value in line $Password = Pass, so that Password matches Admin password of your LFS server.
  4. Start LFS server and type /insim 29999. Do not expect any confirmation from LFS.
  5. Start bin/NETStartDefault.bat and ignore warnings about some files not being created yet...
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Hmm I wrote an answer for the new questions of lfs-drift, I posted it this afternoon and now it's gone. Anyway, it was mostly the same as Tim his answers execpt for the PlayerVar which was a GlobalVar in my script.


When using a PlayerVar , more admin's can online at the same moment.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from lfs-drift staff :instead of showing the admin username is it possible to show the nickname ?

and if there is more than one admin using the insim does the insim know witch admin do the admin command i mean

me : lfs-drift staff = $admin_name
does another username can be = $admin_name

or if im the first loggued in and a second admin logg in and write !kick xxx it will show

xxx got kicked by lfs-drift staff ?

Try this.

#Event triggered when Lapper starts#
Event OnLapperStart()
PlayerVar $admin_name="";
#Connect messages when a player joins the server#
Event OnConnect()
IF( $Username == "lfs-drift staff" || $Username == "admin_1" || $Username == "admin_2" )
#Command actions#
Register MsgAction("!kick",MA_kick);
Sub MA_kick()
$allow = "lfs-drift staff,admin_1,admin_2";
cmdLFS( "/ban " . $argv . " 1" );
cmdLFS( "/msg " . $Nickname . " ^8got kicked by " . $admin_name);

Tim NL
S2 licensed
Small question and a request for the future.

Is it posible to use

- Loop methods

And CASE Select is that posible ( maybe in future version)?
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Your question was puzzling me so half an hour ago I started looking at your request.
And guess what..............I've found a solution

Thank's Yisc,
It work's ( had to changed it a bit to fit in the gui)
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Trekkerfahrer :small problem here:

is it possible with the lapper to restart the race 3 minutes after finish or so?
if its possible with the cfg its good, otherwise i need a programmer

In your LFSLapper.lpr file in the section Race Control you can do this.

#Race Control#
#Auto restart:
#$AutoRestartRaceMn = Minutes between the end of a race (last player finished) and an automatic restart
$AutoRestartRaceMn = 3;

Edit :lol, i didn't saw the reply of Yisc
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :GUI is looking very good Tim.
Thanks for a new release Gai-Luron.
I'm not at home at the moment so I can't test it yet.
I also have a small request (on top of the requests I've already made) to add the option to make a script sleep for some time. This would be useful when you want to change track for example.

Yep, that's a good one "a sleep timer"
A little request for a (maybe) a small change in Lapper
Tim NL
S2 licensed
A little request for a (maybe) a small change in Lapper
I have maked a kind of a GUI (Graphical User Interface).
It will be nice when i changed the type of car the $DefaultTopCar also changed and !top show's the correct list.
At this moment it's not posible

#Default Car#

$DefaultTopCar = $current_car;

#Event triggered when lapper start#

Event OnLapperStart()
GlobalVar $current_car ;
$current_car = "GTR" ;

Thank's in advance.
I liked the idea of a SQL database.
Is it also posible to write and read from the database? Like to store usernames ed. in a field and read them later? To setup for exaple a event.
Good work Gai-Luron.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Bass-Driver :hi
i dont see anything.
here's my lfslapper config.

And could you help me this??

i have saturday a event.
and what i want is:

-Only the registered members can join the server
( a textdoc with the registered members)
i need to putt the names in that doc.
Example: name of the textdoc : reguser

-nonregistered members gets a kick.
(These members are not in the textdoc)

This is because , when i send a pass to the registerd members they forgot the pass and cant join the server.


A littlebit changed script and check your pm
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Tonttula :Hi all.

Is it possible anyway to assign the enter pits (SHIFT + P) command on my g25 h shifter? I have tryed selecting the CONTROL + menu and put one of the empty spaces my shifter button and write there /press shift + p but it says parameter not correct. Also i tryed just /shift + p but it says the same.
I hope someone can help me in this problem.

Regards WS.D Drifter.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Bass-Driver :thx Tim NL
but i want that buttons on the screen like my first post.
how do i do that

With some button's

#Drifting options#
Event OnDriftScore()
openPrivButton( "drf0",99,1,22,10,4,-1,16," " );
IF( $AngleVelocity < 0 )
openPrivButton( "drf1",100,2,20,4,4,-1,32,"Score: ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3" . $LastDriftScore );
openPrivButton( "drf2",100,6,20,4,4,-1,32,"Drift Angle: ^7" . $Angle_drift . "^2>" );
openPrivButton( "drf1",100,2,20,4,4,-1,32,"Score: ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3" . $LastDriftScore );
openPrivButton( "drf2",100,6,20,4,4,-1,32,"Drift Angle: ^2<^7" . $AngleVelocity . " " );

Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Bass-Driver :Hi
i was drifting in a server and i saw a screen in the left that counting the driftpoints and how much bonus you got.
I want to ask how i get that.


Something like this in your lapper script, this is with tekst but you can also use button's to show the drift angel and point's.

#Drifting options#
Event OnDriftScore()
IF( $AngleVelocity < 0 )
privMsg( "Score: ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3" . $LastDriftScore );
privMsg( "Drift Angle: ^3<^7" . $Angle_drift . "^2>" );
privMsg( "Score: ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3" . $LastDriftScore );
privMsg( "Drift Angle: ^2<^7" . $AngleVelocity . "^3>" );

Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Old Timer :where is KY oval FXR,not onthe host list.


[NLR]NL Racing#5 , KY oval car's GTR or if more people want's only the FXR ,I can change it
Last edited by Tim NL, .
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from delcotron :So there's no way to use lapper in a public server while allowing anonymous users to VOTE for baning/kicking other users? There must be a way, isn't it?


If you want enable voting to ban or kick for any player's on your server , you have (as a admin) type /vote yes

Or in lapper

#Event triggered when lapper start#
Event OnLapperStart()

cmdLFS( "/vote yes" );


Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :
IF( $Username == $player1 || $Username == $player2 || $Username == $player3 )


Thanks that was quick , but still the same problem

EDIT: PROBLEM SOLVED thanks NotAnIllusion i was missing a ELSE to and your script works
Last edited by Tim NL, .